Here is the base value of calories in pani puri and its overall nutritional facts that will help you to decide and plan your diet better.

Nutritional Facts and Calories In Pani Puri

Calories In Pani Puri Indian Dish
Calories In Pani Puri Indian Dish and its Nutrtitioal Facts

Calories in Pani Puri depends on the ingredients used to make pan puri, like potatoes, pani puri made with finely ground wheat flour.

4 to 5 pani puri - 60 calories

potato filling - 70 calories

a total of 130 calories.

The water of the pani puri can be a little overwhelming as it depends on the maker how much he adds and what he adds in it so the calories in pani puri differ from 150 to 350 calories per serving of 6 depending upon how its made.

Nutritional facts and calories in Pani puri explained

Pani puri, also known as golgappa, gup chup or other regional names, is fried street food. Traditionally, you eat pani puris with a single bite, allowing many types of flavors to mix in your mouth as you chew. 

Pani puris is made from unleavened bread. Onions, potatoes, tamarind, salt and chickpeas mixed with various spices are common ingredients for dressing. One serving is five pans puris.

Calories in pani puri

A single serving of pani puris usually weighs 2.5 ounces. In a 2.5-ounce serving pan pans, you eat about 100+ calories. 

That’s 5 percent of the average daily value of 2,000 calories, or DV. Dough bread, oil and potatoes in a multi-calorie filling account.

Removing potatoes from fats lowers around 80 calories per serving.

Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium present in calories of pani puri

Each 2.5-ounce auger pani puris contains about 4 ounces of oil, mostly derived from frying oil. In the oil, 2 grams is full. Eat six percent of DV 65-gram fat DV and 10 percent of 20-gram full of DV fat per operation. Reducing fats may require extracting essential oil from cooking pan pans. 

You also eat 210 milligrams of sodium with a single serving of pani puris. A healthy sodium DV is 2,400 milligrams; 2.5 ounces of pani puris has 9 percent of that. Removing salt from the filling almost cuts the sodium content in half. No cholesterol in the pan puris.

Protein, Carbohydrates and Fiber present in calories in pani puri

One 2.5-ounce serving pani puris contains 2 grams of protein, or 4 percent of a 50-gram DV protein. Adding ground chicken increases protein by 12 grams and adding peanut butter increases it by 7 grams. 

The carbohydrate content of each feed is 18 grams, mostly from flatbread. DV is 300 grams of carbs; you eat 6 percent of that with each help. You also get 1 gram, or 4 percent 25-gram DV, of fiber.

Vitamins and Minerals in calories in pani puri

The 2.5-ounce auxiliary pan puris contains one milligram of iron, or 5 percent DV 18 milligram. Iron is important in keeping your blood oxygenated. 

Eat and track the amount of magnesium, manganese, potassium, folate, zinc and vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C and D for everything that works with pan puris.

Traditional Value of Calories in Pani Puri

One serving of calories in Pani Puri provides 316 calories. Of these carbohydrates contain 200 calories, protein makes upto 31 calories and the remaining calories come from the base that is 75 calorie fat.

One serving of Pani Puri provides about 16 percent of the total daily calorie intake of 2,000 adult calories.

Is Calories in Pani Puri healthy?

No actually calories in pani puri  is not healthy. Let's see why.

Let's understand the ingredients.

  1. Mint Leaves (Pudina) used to make Pani: Mint to be anti-inflammatory reduces inflammation of the stomach and also shows a cleansing effect. Incorporating a healthy drink like fresh mint and lemon tea is the best way to overcome the nausea of ​​the expectant mother. In addition vitamin A (10% of RDA) and vitamin C (20.25%) serve as an additional stimulant to bring relief from cough, sore throat and cold. See here for detailed benefits of mint leaves.
  2.  Imli (Tamarind): Tamarind is good for the heart due to the amount of fiber that has the effect of lowering cholesterol. It is also good for diabetics. But too much tamarind is bad for life.

These above ingredients make calories in pani puri a bit unhealthy for you.

Problem with Calories in Pani Puri

  1. Rava (semolina, sooji) is used to make Puris: What is good? Semolina is an excellent source of Magnesium and phosphorus needed to keep our nervous system healthy and active. Too much rava is unhealthy for you
  2. Fiber is the single most important nutrient for weight loss and semolina does not. Semolina is not suitable for people with diabetes. 
  3. Pure flour (maida) used to make Puris: Calories in pani puri uses plain flour or pure maida carbohydrates that are not very suitable for a healthy lifestyle. The use of Maida in any diet should be avoided altogether or in moderation as any use of this would cause a serious spike in blood levels that are not suitable for diabetics, heart patients. Good reading maida you fully understand.
  4. Calories in Pani Puri is just Deep fried food: This recipe is deep fried. Any deep fried food is not good for a healthy lifestyle. Your fat levels increase as deep frying increases oil absorption. And when you use the same oil and deep frying the point of smoking decreases leading to the formation of unhealthy blue smoke. Used foods, Deep Fried Foods also increase inflammation in the body and block the fat burning process.

Many cardiovascular diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, parkinsons, alzheimer's, cancer and obesity are the result when cells become inflamed and malfunctioning. 

Inflammation of the arteries can cause a heart attack. So your diet should include anti-inflammatory foods. 

That's how your body gets healthy by eating the right things. So give the cells in your body the right and proper food to stay healthy and that is very important in staying healthy for the rest of your life.

Calories in Pani Puri Unhealthy for Diabetes Patient

Calories in pani puri is not good for people with diabetes, heart disease and weight loss. Prices are the favorite food of pan puri lovers which is a problem. 

Puris is made from plain flour and ravage which should be removed from your diet if you want to live a healthy lifestyle. 

What’s worse is that the puris are then badly fried deep. So stay away from puris. It is best to have a small pan but do not sit down and should have cup cups as it contains money which should have a fixed price.

Contents in calories in  pani puri

  1. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an excellent protection against coughs and colds.
  2.  Iron: Iron is essential for the chemical reactions that produce energy in food. Eat extra vegetables and cress seeds in the garden to prevent you from becoming anemic.
  3.  Vitamin B1: Vitamin B1 protects the nerves, aids in the production of carbohydrates, prevents heart disease and helps produce red blood cells.
  4. Fiber: Dietary fiber reduces the risk of heart disease, prevents spike in blood sugar levels and is therefore best for people with diabetes. Comsume lots of fruit, vegetables, moong, oats, matki, whole grains.
  5. Folic Acid: Folic acid is an essential vitamin needed for every pregnancy.

Note: the recipe is considered to be high in Vitamin or Minerals when it is in the range of 20% or more of the recommended daily dose according to 2,000 calorie diets.

Burning 300 calories in pani puri

For burning 300 calories in pani puri you need to 

Travel (6 kmph) = 1 hour 38 minutes

Running (11 kmph) = 30 minutes

Bicycling (28 kmph) = 40 minutes

Swimming (1.5 kmph) = 50 minutes

Note: These amounts are approximate and calorie burns vary from person to person.

Calories in Pani Puri represented in Table



Daily % Value


180 cal



5.1 g



29.2 g



3.1 g



5.2 g



0 mg





Vitamin A

317 mcg


Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

0.1 mg


Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

0.2 mg


Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

0.5 mg


Vitamin C

4.3 mg


Vitamin E

0 mg


Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

40.5 mcg






55.1 mg



3.2 mg



24.1 mg



42.7 mg



11.0 mg



126.3 mg



0.4 mg


We hope you got all the info on calories in pani puri so eat right and stay healthy forever.


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