Here are some of the Violet leaf medicinal uses that you must know about so read all about the Violet leaf medicinal uses that are good for your health.

Violet is very cooling and moistening and it is mainly used as a good blood cleanser and its also helps us with respiratory problems but there are many other basic violet leaf medicinal uses that we are gonna list below.

Violet leaf are taken as a tea or syrup but many also t eat violet leaf for its medicinal uses.

Major Medicinal Uses of Violet Leaf

Violet leaf medicinal uses

As with many other herbs with an action on the lymphatic system, it has a long tradition of use in the treatment of cancer.

Violet leaves medicinal uses are known for their content of mucilage, soluble fiber, and thus are found very useful in lowering your cholesterol levels (similar to oatmeal). 

Violet leaf medicinal uses is regarded very highly useful due to its herbal properties. The root and parts of violet leaf that grow above the ground are used to make some bascic healthy herbal medicine.


Violet leaf medicinal uses is used for soothing the nervous strain, hysteria, physical and mental stress, symptoms of women menopause (hot flashes), work depression, and irritability.


Violet leaf medicinal are also deemed very useful for the major digestive tract complaints such as the base abdominal pain, bad case of swelling of the stomach and intestines, very harsh digestion problems caused by improper dietary habits, gas, heartburn, gallbladder disorders, and loss of a persons appetite.


Some people use Violet leaf medicinal uses for respiratory tract conditions, particularly dry or sore throat, stuffy nose, coughs, hoarseness, and bronchitis.


Other violet leaf uses include treating your pain in the minor joints, treating fever and skin diseases.


Violet leaf medicinal uses is sometimes applied directly used to cure skin disorders and it is also used as one of the best skin cleanser, so many people use them to get violet flower skin benefits.


These herbal combinations of violet leaf are also used for involuntary urination (incontinence) in older people, bed-wetting, irritable bladder, and prostate conditions. Other uses include mainly treating the inability to have a good sleep (insomnia).

The Soluble fiber present in violet leaf is also helpful in restoring healthy problems of intestine. 

The violet leaves are high in content of Vitamins A and C, and rutin, which is a glycoside of the flavonoid quercetin. As violet leaf are high in rutin they are mainly used as a remedy for hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Topically, violet is used as a poultice, compress, infused oil, and salve for dry or chafed skin, abrasions, insect bites, eczema, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It is cooling, soothing, and anti-inflammatory. See my articles on the topical uses of calendula for infused oil, salve, and poultice recipes.

Dosage for Violet leaf medicinal uses

Only a doctor or any ayurvedic health professional can tell you about the proper dosage of Violet leaf to for making its medicinal use.

But you need to know that the accurate dose of violet leaf depends on several factors such as the your age, health, and several other conditions. 

You also need to know that natural products are not always safe and over dosage can be very harmful for you.

So be sure to  consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using violet leaf.

This is all on violet leaf medicinal uses.

Facts about Violet Leaf

As you want to get violet leaf medicinal uses for its health benefits, you must know some facts about violet leaf.

Violet leaves are scientifically known as Viola odorata that belongs to Violaceae – Violet family. The plant was first introduced in North America and Australia.  

From old ages it violet flower were grown in gardens, and now it has spread to most part of  Europe. Some of the popular common names of the plants are Violet leaf are Sweet Violet , English Violet, Garden Violet, Florist’s Violet etc. 

Violet leaf are mainly known for their medicinal properties and the many other basic health benefits they provide to they the body. 

Used in many of the perfume fragrance violet leaf is very small bushy, hardy, evergreen, herbaceous flowering, perennial plant that is around 3-6 inches (9-16cm) tall and 9 to 25 inches wide. 

Violet leaves are preferably grows in rich, cool and well-drained soil although they prefer the base of moisture-retentive, rich soils. 

Violet leaves are designed to be small palmate, alternate, and are somewhat of an oblong heart or bud kidney shape. 

Traditional Medicinal Use Of Violet Leaf

Below are some of the common violet leaf medicinal use and the major benefits of violet leaf ;

  1. Violet leaf petals are made into a syrup and is used for the treatment of disorders in childhood. 
  2. Sweet girl enjoys a long and outstanding history of widespread use, especially in the treatment of cancer, and whooping cough. 
  3. It consists of salicylic acid, which are used in aspirin. 
  4. It is very effective in the treatment of headaches, migraine headaches, and insomnia. 
  5. The whole plant has anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, and laxative effect. 
  6. It is used orally in the treatment of bronchitis, catarrh of the respiratory tract, cough, asthma, bronchial, breast, lung, or gastric cancer. 
  7. Externally, it is used to treat infections of the mouth and throat. 
  8. The flowers have a calming and soothing effect and can be used in the treatment of cholelithiasis, and lung disease. 
  9. Its roots are in a far more powerful expectorant than some other parts of the plant, but it also contains the alkaloid of the violin, which, in large doses, it is really vomiting, and diarrhea. 
  10. The seeds have a diuretic and laxative effect. It is used for the treatment of symptoms in the puddles, and provide a good answer to the grind. 
  11. A homeopathic remedy is prepared from the whole fresh violet leaves. 
  12. It helps in the treatment of spasmodic cough, and rheumatism of the wrist. 
  13. The essential oil from the flowers is used in aromatherapy, in the treatment of bronchial complaints, fatigue, and skin complaints. 
  14. Mixture of 1 oz (50 g) of the purple flowers with 1 liter of boiling water is used to reduce irritation and cough. 
  15. Violet has been recommended for use in case of fever, seizures, and flu symptoms. 
  16. Violet is also very effective for indigestion or food poisoning. 
  17. The current implementation of violet leaves, roots, micro-chipped, and is used as a hot compress is effective against a number of small nicks and tears in the chest after a long period of breast feeding, and pressure ulcers. 
  18. Girl offering to the herbalist to be a useful lymphocytic tool that can help you to calm down a frozen and static to stagnation in the body. 
  19. It is generally used for its ability to dissolve the stones, and the treatment of breast, lung, and stomach cancer. 
  20. It is also used in the treatment of bronchitis and congestion of the lungs.
  21. Standard infusion, it can also be used as a mouth rinse or mouthwash to relieve soreness of the mouth and throat. 
  22. Pads are made from the fresh leaves are rubbed on a small amount of hot water and wrapped in a piece of cheesecloth or other dense materials may be used for the treatment of skin problems. 
  23. The fresh or dried roots, crushed and soaked for a few hours in the vinegar, and used for the storage of the patient, but also very hot, which is infected and his feet and the feet of people with diabetes. 
  24. Violet leaves, and can be mixed and applied to bruises and wounds to reduce swelling and relieve the pain of your wounds. 

So above are some of the herbal benefits of violet.

Use of Violet leaf in Making Of Various Stuff and Recipes 

Below are the various uses of violet flowers and violet leaf for good use;

  1. Violet flowers are fresh so they taste and the color of confectionery products. 
  2. Tea can also be made from the leaves. The flowers are used to decorate salads and desserts. 
  3. Flowers, especially suitable for the decoration of a bathroom.
  4. The young leaves and flower buds are eaten raw or cooked. 
  5. The leaves have a very mild flavor, though they are very good salad. 
  6. If it is added to soup it increases the taste. 
  7. It is also used as a flavoring in puddings.
  8. Relaxing tea can be made from violet leaves and flowers. 
  9. Extract from the violet leaves are used for flavoring of candy, bakery products and ice cream. 
  10. The flowers can be used to make jellies.

Thanks for reading.

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