We recommend you to eat rich nutrition food that helps the immune system of your body to protect you better from the highly contagious viral infections.

Lets look at the power of your remarkable immune system.

Importance of Nutrition for the Immune System of body

Rich Nutrition food for your immune system to kill viral infections
Nutritional Food =  Better Immunity

By including rich nutrition food for the betterment of the immune system of our body its time to think differently about what we eat and begin to trust the amazing healing and protective power of the body. 

It’s time for all of us to reconsider the notion that viruses are the sole even the primary cause of serious viral-associated illnesses. Most often the exposure to and presence of a virus, and its association with the disease and its complications is not the only cause and not even the main cause that initiates an illness as the main cause is your weak body immunity.

Certainly, exposure to the virus and its multiplication within our body is at the core of viral infections happening to us. However, though it is not generally recognized, the virus adapts itself to the host (our body) and becomes dangerous and multiplies as a result of the host’s disease-promoting environment, created by nutritional inadequacy. In most cases, a virus, when exposed to a healthy, well-nourished body, would remain harmless. 

Our vulnerability to the initial virus and our inability to fight off the virus once we have become exposed is directly affected by the quality of our nutritional food diet prior to being exposed. This means that poor nutrition not only makes us more susceptible to viruses but significantly impacts the length and severity of an illness.

Poor nutrition is so ubiquitous that we can consider 90 percent of Americans to be at significant disease risk. This, coupled with the enhanced resistance of bacteria from the use and overuse of antibiotics, has created a new era in modern health science with dangerous antibiotic-resistant diseases exploding. 

Deaths from infectious diseases increased by 58 percent between 1980 and 1992 in the United States, and the figure has continued to increase since then and this has all been resulted due to the immunity system being weak. According to Hiroshi Nakajima, director-general of the World Health Organization in the decade 1988–1998, “We are standing on the brink of a global crisis in infectious diseases.” And researchers have found our that this danger is high due to the immunity system being weak in many.

Viral infections main result of weaker immunity

Traditionally, the etiology (or cause) of viral infections, both bacterial and viral, has the following elements. 

These are the primary factors that determine whether you get sick or not; and when you do get sick, how sick you get.

1. The size of the inoculum. In other words, how much of the virus or bacterium was present in the exposure?

2. The virulence of the exposure. How powerful a disease-causing agent was.

3. The immune system response of the host. Was there an opportunity for the host’s immune system to fight that microbe (or a similar microbe) to facilitate a rapid and potentially protective immune response; could the immune system quickly remove the virus before it replicated itself in large numbers?

4. The nutritional status and health of the host. Was the host’s immune-competency compromised, or could the immune system react to its full potential in inhibiting and eventually subduing the viral invasion of normal cells?
Thus as the core of every viral infection is mainly dependent of the immune system of our body we must include rich nutrition food for better immunity.

Comprehensive nutritional adequacy (CNA)

As Comprehensive nutritional adequacy is necessary to fend of the harmful viral infections. 

For the most part we don’t have the opportunity to modify these risk factors substantially, so with hand washing and other proper hygienic measures, such as not touching our own face without washing first, we can diminish some of the exposure risks. 

Comprehensive nutritional adequacy is one major factor well within our control that can alter the equation. That is, we can maintain comprehensive nutritional adequacy (CNA). 

Comprehensive nutritional adequacy means that a sufficient amount and variety of all known and unknown micro-nutrients are present. Very few of us currently have CNA because our present dietary nutrition food model contains too many processed foods that are micro-nutrient deficient. 

For most of us to achieve CNA, we need to change our diet and begin to eat all of the immune system supporting nutrients available to us.

Think about what we are saying: a viral exposure that would cause a serious or even life-threatening infection in a person eating the conventional diet would not even result in symptoms of illness in a nutritionally competent person

Rich Nutrition Food for better Health

Rich Nutrition food for your immune system to kill viral infections
Nutrition Food for  Better Health

We highly recommend you to include rich nutrition food in your daily diet.

We now have scientific evidence that clearly demonstrates the dangers of nutritional incompetency. And yet far too many of us still aren’t aware of the essential nutritional factors that support and sustain our everyday health. Together, we can change this.

We often hear comments such as “The virus attacked his heart” or “She had a virally induced cancer,” and yet we rarely consider or address the issues that enabled the virulence of that virus. We aren’t just targets waiting to be attacked; in fact, a healthy immune body is highly resistant to viral attack. 

It has already been demonstrated that when children eat more vegetables that are rich nutrition food, they have fewer infections. A study on relatively malnourished children in Vietnam illustrated this. 

Young children (five months to two years old) were randomly selected and assigned based on local areas to one of two groups, nutritional intervention or control. The intervention group received more vegetables and other rich nutrition food, while the control group was left on the typical rice diet. During follow-up, children in the intervention communes had approximately half the respiratory illness experienced by those in control communes.

It is now accepted in scientific circles that micro-nutrient deficiencies contribute to the mortality and morbidity of infectious diseases, and that a more rich nutrition food diet is needed for better human health.

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