Your simple guide to achieve holistic health through yoga and meditation that will lead to you lead a blissful life so read all about it.

Now before explaining and helping you achieve holistic health through yoga and meditation you must know all about the benefits of yoga and meditation and you must understand what is yoga and what is holistic health, so we have answered it all for you here in this article.

So in brief, understand the power of yoga to attain holistic health through yoga and meditation is really very productive and very highly blissful as it helps you live a healthy disease free and fit life.

Holistic health through yoga and meditation

Holistic health through yoga and meditation Guide For You
Holistic health through yoga and meditation Guide For You

Understand what is holistic health and how you can attain holistic health through yoga and meditation by understanding what yoga and power of meditation is and how practicing makes your life better and easy.

But before going forward understand what we mean by holistic health here, so we explained it below for you.

Understand holistic health before attaining holistic health through yoga and meditation 

Holistic health is about caring for your complete self which means taking care of your physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs. It's actually rooted in the understanding that all these healthy good aspects affect your overall health, and being unwell in one aspect affects you very badly in others.

Here are the 5 aspects of Holistic health : 

  1. Physical
  2. Emotional
  3. Social 
  4. Spiritual
  5. Mental

When it comes to holistic health we are looking beyond the physical body and are addressing physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health.

Holistic health in general works on 3 principles which are :

  1. Promoting Spiritual, Physical and Mental health, 
  2. Prevent illness 
  3. Raising awareness of dis-ease in our lives rather than simply managing symptoms.

So now as you have your grasp on Holistic health meaning you are ready to attain Holistic health through yoga and meditation.

Attaining Holistic health through yoga and meditation

Yoga is all in all a one stop solution to all your problems and its the best way to get your holistic health.

Now meditation is the practice of calming via controlled forms of breathing technique your mind so when meditation is combined with yoga then you can achieve your holistic health easily.

Yogic practices will help you attain Holistic health through yoga and meditation

Below are the basic yoga practices Holistic health through yoga and meditation  as Yoga is based on the foundation of practices and techniques. 

Practices that help us attain Holistic health through yoga and meditation include :

  1. Yama (Restraint) and Niyama (Observance) - These are the values ​​and values ​​that guide one's journey in personal and social life. Yama and niyama include sets of some of the first principles of ethics.
  2. Asana - Asana is a Sanskrit word meaning 'standing' or 'standing'. It works by holding long positions of comfortable posture to provide stability and comfort at the mental and physical level. Typically, this is done in the order of position, sitting, and lying positions.
  3. Pranayama - Pranayama means air expansion or control. It is usually done after asanas. Pranayama is based on the basis of deeply controlled inhalation, exhalation and exhalation.
  4. Pratyahara - Pratyahara means ‘withdrawal of nerves’. It incorporates practices that build a bridge between external and internal focus to gain full sensitivity.
  5. Bandha and Mudra - Bandha and mudra are powerful locking techniques that bring about voluntary control and improve awareness at the level of the limbs.
  6. Shatkarma / Kriya - Kriya means 'Action' and shatkarmas are six cleansing techniques that cleanse certain parts of our body to keep us healthy and strong.
  7. Meditation - It is the practice of relaxing mind that helps to control a person's mental and physical condition. In meditation, focus on one thing at a time.

So as meditation is a part of yogic practices its easy to attain Holistic health through yoga and meditation.

3 Basic Yoga exercise to attain Holistic health through yoga and meditation

Yoga is a one-size-fits-all solution to depression and also helps to alleviate other mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Yoga can have a restorative effect on mind and body. Yoga asanas, pranayama and meditation are very helpful in controlling your stress naturally. Yoga improves the functioning of your organs, strengthens the immune system, boosts your emotions and brings a number of additional benefits. To support a healthy lifestyle, you can eat a healthy diet, cut down on salty foods, and get enough sleep to feel refreshed and energized every morning, says yoga specialist Grand Master Akhsar.

Be sure to consult your doctor before starting yoga. Follow these yogic methods to reduce the condition of high blood pressure. Pay attention to your mood in each post. Try repeating 3 sets of all stand and hold each asana for up to 30 seconds.

1. Tadasana

The shape of the situation

Stand tall with your feet together

Keep your spine aligned and in good shape

Relax your shoulders

Close your fingers, smell and come to your toes

Exhale and bring your heels down

2. Vajrasana - This is the only condition that can be performed on a full stomach. In fact, it should be done immediately after a meal.


Put your knees down on your mat

Place your pelvis on your heels and point your toes out

Here, your thighs should compress your calf muscles

Keep your heels close to each other, and big toes together

Put your palms on your knees facing up

Adjust your back forward

3. Padamasana

The shape of the situation

Sit on the Ardha Padmasana with your right foot on top of your left thigh

Raise your left foot and place it on your right thigh upwards

Pull your feet on your hips

Put your knees down

Put your palms on your knees facing up

Hold the asana for a moment

Repeat with the other leg

Combine the above 3 exercise with 10 minutes of normal relaxation breathing mediation.

Also Surya Namskar combined with mediation daily can helo you attain Holistic health through yoga and meditation.

As we have already written about types of various meditaion that are holistic just click on Bhastrika Pranayam, Ujjayi Breathing Pranayama.

7 Benefits of Attaining Holistic health through yoga and meditation

So below are some of the basic benefits of attaining holistic health through yoga and meditation

1. Helps treats bad back pains

Believe it or not, attaining holistic health through yoga and meditation doing a few yoga poses all week can help with chronic back pain. Studies have shown that counseling and conditioning improve spinal flexibility and help reduce low-level problems in people after just one week of practice.

2. It helps with rheumatoid arthritis

Iyengar yoga, a form of yoga that hepls in attaining attaining holistic health through yoga and meditation involves using blocks, bandages, and other fitness equipment, has been shown to help people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Hot yoga, like Bikram and gentle yoga, has proven benefits because of its slower, easier movement and movement that benefits the joints, bones, and muscles.

3. Helps cured hangovers

While you may not want to move or get out of bed while caring for a hangover, experts say that doing yoga can slow down your process and make you feel new faster. Yoga puts it as a bow, plow, or shoulder position in the thyroid function, which improves metabolism and kicks those toxins into your system. By altering blood flow and bringing further circulation to the brain, your body will create balance and return to health. Not only does it help get rid of the hangover faster but it also explodes fats and cellulite.

4. It improves heart health

When it comes to heart health, Baby Boomers need to be as careful and maintain a healthy lifestyle as possible. Keeping your heart healthy is easy, thanks to yoga and meditation. Studies have shown that attaining holistic health through yoga and meditation is associated with a lower risk of heart disease because of its cardiovascular benefits. Meditating once every day for ten minutes can help you to relax, lower your stress hormones, lower your blood pressure, and allow for better blood circulation.

5. It helps with asthma

If you suffer from asthma you may want to take yoga. According to research, adults with mild to moderate asthma who have performed an eight-week yoga session in conjunction with their regular medication have seen significant improvement. With the help of Pranayama, asana breathing-focused yoga has shown effective effects on asthma.

6. It helps you sleep better

You need enough rest to live a healthy and balanced life. Yoga greatly improves your sleep quality if you suffer from insomnia or insomnia. Studies have shown that regular yoga improves your sleep pattern, reduces stress and reduces anxiety. Mediation and breathing techniques also help to clear your mind so that you can relax and lower your thoughts, allowing you to have peace of mind to get a good night's sleep.

7. It makes you a happier person

Practicing yoga and meditation for attaining holistic health through yoga and meditation will make you a happier person. Yoga makes your skin glow inside and soothes your mind. Mediation gives you inner peace and the power to control your mind and thoughts. In today's competitive world, people tend to forget happiness. Take your time. Practice yoga and meditation, you will feel the difference.

There are many benefits of yoga and meditation - once you start practicing, you will feel a change within yourself.

So these are some of the basic benefits of attaining holistic health through yoga and meditation.

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