Overall details on Calories in vodka martini listed out for you so get full details on Calories in vodka martini variants too.

Here are the Details of Calories in vodka martini

Below are some base facts on calories in vodka martini so read and learn all about it.

Calories in vodka martini
Calories in vodka martini

Nutrition Facts


Serving Size: 1 serving


Calories in Vodka Martini 3 oz




Total Fat

0.0 g

Saturated Fat

0.0 g

Polyunsaturated Fat

0.0 g

Monounsaturated Fat

0.0 g


0.0 mg


0.0 mg


0.0 mg

Total Carbohydrate

0.0 g

Dietary Fiber

0.0 g


0.0 g


0.0 g

Vitamin A

0.0 %

Vitamin B-12

0.0 %

Vitamin B-6

0.0 %

Vitamin C

0.0 %

Vitamin D

0.0 %

Vitamin E

0.0 %


0.0 %


0.0 %


0.0 %


0.0 %


0.0 %


0.0 %


0.0 %

Pantothenic Acid

0.0 %


0.0 %


0.0 %


0.0 %

According to some reports there are 160 calories in 1 cocktail of overall mix of Martini with Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 97% carbs, 3% protein.

Calories in Vodka Martini Variants

Here is the info on Calories in vodka martini variants so read and learn.

1 Large Calories in Vodka Martini (1 serving)

Calories: 400, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 2g, Protein: 1g

Vodka Martini (splash Vermouth, Olive) (1 serving)

Calories: 210, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 1g, Protein: 0g

Vodka Martini (1 serving)

Calories: 210, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 0g

Vodka Martini (1 serving)

Calories: 210, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 1g, Protein: 0g

Vodka Martini (1 serving)

Calories: 200, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 3g, Protein: 0g

Vodka Martini, Lemon Drop - 1 Glass/3 Oz. (1 serving)

Calories: 114, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 4g, Protein: 0g 

Vodka Martini Lemon Drop-One Glass (1 serving)

Calories: 114, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 4g, Protein: 0g

Club Cocktail - Vodka Martini, Margarita, Screwdriver (1 oz)

Calories: 51, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 10g, Protein: 0g

Vodka Martini (1 serving)

Calories: 158, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 0g

Calories in Vodka Martini Facts related to you health

To get calories in vodka, the first step is to determine the amount of calories in one place. Generally, one ounce of vodka contains 64.7 calories, according to the USDA FoodData Central. Vermouth is shown in ounces when pointing out food details. One ounce of vermouth contains about 47 calories. If one ounce is equal to 6 teaspoons, 1 teaspoon of French vermouth contains about 7.8 calories.

With those statistics in mind, the standard vodka martini has about 202 calories based on the following ingredients:

Three ounces of vodka

1 teaspoon French vermouth

When you add mixes, such as olives, the overall vodkmartini calories change. For example, two tablespoons of olives yield 25 calories, converting the total to 227 calories, according to USDA FoodData Central. To give your cocktail a delicious touch, you can mix it up a bit with a few maraschino cherries. One maraschino cherry has 7.1 calories, according to USADA FoodData Central. Top your drink with two of these and your martini calories end up with 216 calories.

When you add mixes, such as olives, the overall martini calories change changes. For example, two tablespoons of olives yield 25 calories, converting the total to 227 calories, according to USDA FoodData Central. To give your cocktail a delicious touch, you can mix it up a bit with a few maraschino cherries. One maraschino cherry has 7.1 calories, according to USADA FoodData Central. 

Top your drink with two of these and your martini calories end up with 216 calories which will not completely harm your eating habits, you need to be aware of the tendency to eat more calories, not alcohol, when drinking a cocktail. A September 2017 study published in Obesity found that although there was a slight change in body weight from drinking a moderate amount of alcohol, many participants took extra calories from food while drinking.

Harvard T.H. The Chan School of Public Health states that moderate drinking for men is considered to be more than one or two drinks a day, and for women, it should not be more than one drink a day. To keep your weight loss efforts under control, it is a good idea to follow these recommendations. 

Additionally, you may want to get new low-calorie cocktails to order at the bar. A tip to keep your drinks low in calories is to stick to smaller ingredients, keep the cocktail size on the short side and protect it from sugar.

So these are some of the details on Calories in Vodka Martini, below is a recipe for you to get your calories in vodka martini at home.

Vodka Martini Recipe To get Calories in Vodka Martini at Home

With only 3 essential ingredients, the classic martini is one of the easiest cocktails around. Martini's simplicity does not affect her beauty. You will feel on the ground after your first drink. Before you start, make sure your vodka and vermouth are quality - because they make a drink, cheap things just won’t work , so just in order to reduce calories in vodka martini do not use cheap stuff. 






2 1/2 oz.


1/2 oz.

dry vermouth

Green olive or peeled lemon peel removed, to decorate.


1. Optional: Freeze the martini glass for 15 minutes before making the drink.

2. Shaken martini: Fill the cocktail shaker with ice. Add the vodka and vermouth and stir until cool. Add a glass of mint, garnish with olive or lemon peel, and serve.

3. With refined martini: Pour the vodka and vermouth into a mixing glass or ice-filled cocktail shaker. Mix vigorously, for about 20 seconds, until cool. Add a glass of mint, garnish with olive or lemon peel and serve.

So we hope you like this recipe and you learned all about calories in Vodka martini.

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