Understanding Health belief model for your Health behavior change is very important so read and learn.

Health behavior change is very much important as one should be aware of his health but now a days it is a common behavior among the general public to depend on the harmful pharma-drugs for good health that leads them to choose unhealthy behavior.

People consistent with Rosenstock Health belief model, don't believe they're liable to a severe problem and they act as if they're proof against it and are unlikely to vary their behavior. 

They also may feel that the immediate pleasure outweighs the long-range cost.

Understanding Health belief model for health behavior change

Understanding Health belief model for your Health behavior change
Health behavior change

We all want to bring in positive health behavior change but we failed to do so why ?

According to Drs. James Prochaska and Carlos DiCle-mente, it’s because most people aren’t really prepared to require action. Their research indicates that behavior changes usually don't succeed when starting with the change itself. Instead, we must bear a series of stages to adequately prepare ourselves for that eventual change.29 

According to Prochaska and DiClemente’s trans theoretical model of health behavior change (also called the stages of change model, our chances of developing good health behavior increases.

How does health behavior change occur? 

There are three models for health behavior change 1) Health belief model 2) social cognitive model and 3) Trans theoretical model.

By comparing and differentiating the health belief model, the social cognitive model, and also the trans theoretical model of behavior change, we can easily bring selected health behavior change

While many factors influence your health status, you have got the foremost control over your individual behaviors. Over the years, social scientists and public health researchers have developed a range of models as an example how individual health behavior change occurs. 

Three models of Health behavior change

We explore three of these here.

Health Belief model 

We often assume that when rational people realize their behaviors put them in danger, they're going to change to cut back that risk. however, it doesn’t always work that way. Consider the amount of health professionals who smoke, consume food, and act in other unhealthy ways. They surely know better, but their “knowing” is disconnected from their “doing.” 

One classic model of health behavior change suggests our beliefs may help explain why this happens. A belief is an appraisal of the connection between some object, action, or idea (e.g., smoking) and a few attribute of that object, action, or idea (e.g., “Smoking is pricey, dirty, and causes cancer” or “Smoking is relaxing and I’m too young to induce cancer”). 

Thousands of stud-is over the past 50 years have provided evidence that beliefs subtly influence behavior. within the 1950s, psychologists at the U.S. Public health Service developed the health belief model (HBM), which describes the ways during which beliefs affect health behavior change

The home holds that several factors must support a belief before change is likely: Perceived seriousness of the ill health. The more serious the perceived effects are, the more likely action are going to be taken. 

Perceived susceptibility to the ill health. People who perceive themselves at high risk are more likely to require preventive action. 

Perceived benefits. People are more likely to require action if they believe that this action will benefit them. 

Perceived barriers. whether or not a recommended action is gave the impression to be effective, the individual may believe it's too expensive, difficult, inconvenient, or time-consuming. 

These perceived barriers must be overcome or stated as slighter than the advantages. cues to action. someone who is reminded or alerted a couple of potential unhealthiest is more likely to require belief Appraisal of the connection between some object, action, or idea and a few attribute of that object, action, or idea. 

Health belief model (HBM) Model for explaining how beliefs may influence behaviors. 

Social cognitive model (SCM)  

Social cognitive model Developed from the work of several researchers over decades, the social cognitive model (SCM) is most closely related to the work of psychologist Albert Bandura.26 Fundamentally, the model proposes that three factors interact during a reciprocal fashion to market and motivate change: the social environment during which we live, our thoughts or cognition (includeing our values, beliefs, and expectations), and our behaviors. 

We change our behavior partly by observing models in our environments—from childhood to this moment—reflecting on our observations and regulating ourselves accordingly. as an example, if we observe a loved one successfully quitting smoking, we are more apt to believe we will bonk, too. additionally, after we reach changing ourselves, we alter our thoughts about ourselves, potentially promoting further health behavior change: 

After we’ve successfully quit smoking, we may feel empowered to extend our level of physical activity. Moreover, as we alter ourselves, we become a model for others to watch.The social cognitive model is commonly accustomed design health promotion programs. 

For example, one public health program engaged over-weight and obese men in an exceedingly program of goal-setting, reward setting, journaling, and social support to boost their eating and activity patterns. 

Another recent study designed according to the social cognitive model increased condom use in participants who viewed a video of somebody modelling self-efficacy and consideration of partner expectations trans-theoretical (stages of change) model 
Model of health behavior change emphasizing the role of social factors and thought processes (cognition) in behavior change. 

Trans-theoretical model of behavior change 

Trans-theoretical model of behavior change identifies six distinct stages people undergo in altering behavior patterns; also called the stages of change model.

How can you improve your Health behaviors and bring positive health behavior change?

Understanding Health belief model for your Health behavior change
Health behaviors

Identify your own current risk behaviors, the factors that influence those behaviors, and also the strategies you'll be able to use to vary them. Clearly, change isn't always easy. To successfully change a behavior, you would like to determine change not as a singular event but as a process by which you substitute positive patterns for brand spanking new ones—a process that needs preparation, has several stages, and takes time to occur. 

The following six-step plan integrates ideas from each of the above health behavior change models into a straightforward guide to moving forward. 

1. Personal behavior awareness : People within the PR contemplation stage haven't any current intention of fixing. they will have tried to alter a behavior before and given up, or they'll be in denial and unaware of any problem. Untiil they are made aware 

2. PR behavior examination :  during this phase, people recognize that they need a controversy and start to contemplate the necessity to vary. 

Despite this acknowledgment, people can languish during this stage for years, realizing that they need a problem but lacking the time or energy to form the change.

3. Preparation : most of the people at now are near taking action. They’ve considered what they may do and will even have an inspiration.

4. Action : during this stage, people begin to follow their action plans. 

Those with a thought of action are more ready for action than are those that have given it little thought.

5. Maintenance :  During the upkeep stage, someone continues the actions begun within the action stage and works toward making these changes a permanent a part of his or her life. 

In this stage, it's important to remember of the potential for relapses and to develop strategies for addressing such challenges.

6. Termination : By now, the new good health behavior is so ingrained that constant vigilance could also be unnecessary. The new behavior has become a necessary a part of daily living.

We don’t necessarily bear these stages sequentially. they will overlap, or we may shuttle back and forth. We may make progress in additional than one stage at just once, or we may shuttle back and forth from one to another—say, contemplation to preparation, then back to contemplation—before we achieve making a change.

These are some basic points we have tried to mention at our best to make you learn health belief model for bringing health behavior change.

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