Guided meditation for anxiety and pain is the best medicine. Now also achieve great health benefits from guided meditation.

Guided meditation for anxiety and pain
Guided meditation 

Guided meditation for anxiety and pain is described as the best medicine as guided meditation is an extremely important component of yoga practice. 

 Guided meditation is one of the oldest relaxation techniques, and increased research and interest in the mind-body connection has made it possible for this ancient practice to become part of the mainstream society today. 

The effects of guided meditation involve various physiological and psychological mechanisms.   


1) reduced blood pressure  

2) brain wave resonance and coherence

3) a shift in the balance between the activating and quieting components of the automatic nervous system

4) decreased effects of aging

 5) decreased muscle tension 

6)  reduced levels of fear 

7)  rhythmic heart and respiration rate in

8) increased circulation of endorphins  


1) relaxation and alertness 

2) effective handling of stressful stimuli 

3) habituation 

4) deautomatization 

5) freeing from conditioned responses 

6) healing stress-related disorders  


Guided meditation improves overall mental and physical health, making it possible to relax and live a balanced life. So guided meditation for anxiety and pain also works in improving other areas for us.


The positive effects of guided meditation begin to show at various levels of practice.  Generally, one develops a greater feeling of self-respect and deals with issues more confidently.  

Emotionally, the mind becomes more stable, balanced, and centered.  Psychosomatic symptoms decrease and the body experiences an abundance of energy.

And hence its proven that guided  meditation  for  anxiety and pain is a very beneficial method and is highly productive.

The effects of meditation are also visible in work-related areas.  Decisions can be made with greater clarity.  Responsible decisions are  made naturally, intuitively, and energetically.  

And hence guided meditation for anxiety and pain also has positive effects for us in other areas of life 


One´s outlook or perspective of situations becomes broader, and the relationships with co-workers becomes easier and more harmonious. 

In this relaxed state, work is enjoyable,  with less seriousness and greater creative thought.  

The ability to function at optimum potential and contribute with maximum ability increases.  On a personal level, meditation brings about positive, significant changes in the quality of friendliness and the respect of another’s space. 

The levels of  understanding and trust are heightened.  Family issues are dealt  with more honesty, love, and with a supportive, relaxed attitude.  

So Guided meditation for anxiety and pain  cure is directly relational with living a stress free life.


Guided meditation for anxiety and pain
Guided meditation wellness

As to understand guided meditation we must understand what is meditation. 

Meditation is a practice that trains the mind to transcend the thought process, focusing and living in the present moment, instead of wandering into past and futuristic thoughts.

So in guided meditation we meditate with a group and under a proper guidance where we are helped in achieving a positive focused mental state.

Being in the present moment is an extremely difficult task in our hurried and busy lives.  
So the goal of guided meditation is to be aware and live in the present moment. 

 The practice allows one to enter each moment with wisdom, lightness, and a sense of humor.  It is the art of opening and letting go (emptying), rather than closing and holding (filling). 

It's been written in scriptures that one should practice guided meditation for anxiety and pain relief daily.


 As such guided meditation can be easily practiced daily with little training as we just need to meditate in a positive environment with silence and following the basic things told to us by our meditation guru keep in mind what works for you is important.  

Like the practice of yoga, it is important to find a facilitator, experienced in meditation, who can design a meditation program specifically for you.  Remember, no previous experience is necessary. 


Meditate daily - make this a  personal practice for life.  

Begin meditating for 10 - 15 minutes, working up to 20 - 30 minutes, twice daily.  

Find a location that is quiet, and set it aside for meditation only.  

 Sit comfortably on the mat with the spine erect, in optimum posture, preferably in HALF LOTUS.  The eyes are parallel with the mat, chin is retracted, tongue is slightly touching the upper palate with an inner smile, and the hands are on the lap with the right hand resting in the left. 

  Breathe diaphragmatically letting the belly expand with each  inhalation and contract with exhalation.  Breathe slowly and gently. 

 When a feeling or thought arises,  do not chase it away, but recognize it ‘just as a thought’, let it pass, and maintain a focus on the breath. 

Program the mind with suggestions such as, “I am as steady as a mountain” or “I am becoming motionless like a statue”.  

This way the asana will quickly become  still and, after a while, will be comfortable for extended periods of time.  

This  practice is known as complete body stillness and mind alertness.   


Do not judge the quality of the guided meditation practice as good or bad. Meditation is a transformational change and every day the ‘relaxation response’ is reinforced by simply being there. 

Maintain the feeling of mindful meditative awareness throughout the day; use it to center while performing worldly tasks.  

Over time, after regular meditation practice, the mind becomes extremely calm, centered, and focused. 

Use the moments after meditation as an opportunity to be creative in making  personal and business decisions.  The big picture becomes very clear.   


As guided meditation for anxiety and pain is a very beneficial as it gives us other benefits 

1) Develops memory changes the behavioral attitudes of irritation,  instability, anger, impatience, and restlessness 

2) Mind becomes calm and cheerful 

3) Increases concentration 

4) Assist in  relieving tension headaches BENEFITS  


The yoga asana practice prepares the body in guided meditation  for  anxiety and pain cure. Dhayana is the practice of focusing thoughts inward, awakening awareness, and coordinating the mind activities with the breath.  

The main purpose of the Meditation Asanas is to allow the body to sit for extended periods of time without movement or  discomfort so the body may relax, rejuvenate, and revitalize. 

Only when the body is still and steady for some time is the sensation of meditation experienced.  

Deep meditation requires the spinal vertebra to remain steady, in optimum posture,  without conscious effort.  

The more still the body remains the greater the ability to concentrate with a single-pointed mind.  

It is essential to remain awake and alert while going through the various stages experienced in meditation.   

Listed below is a powerful series of Guided Meditation Dhayana practices progressing from Beginners to Expert level.  


Style 1) Sit in EASY SITTING  or SITTING ON KNEES in optimum posture, hands in prayer over the heart.  

Gaze at  the eyebrow center.  Maintain a gentle rhythmic breath flow
Sit in the meditation for 1 minute. Then relax and meditate for 5 min.

Style 2) Sit in EASY SITTING  or SITTING ON KNEES in optimum posture, hands in prayer over the heart.  

Gaze at  the tip of the nose.  Maintain a gentle rhythmic breath flow.   Sit in the asana for 1 minutes. Then relax and meditate for 10 min.

Style 3) Sit in EASY SITTING  or SITTING ON KNEES in optimum posture, hands in KNOWLEDGE LOCK resting on the knees.  Gaze at  the tip of the nose.  

Maintain a gentle rhythmic breath flow.   Sit in the asana for 2 minutes. Then relax and meditate for 15 min.


Style 1) Sit in HALF LOTUS  or SITTING ON KNEES in optimum posture, hands in KNOWLEDGE LOCK resting on the knees.  Gaze at  the tip of the nose.  

Maintain a gentle rhythmic breath flow.   Sit in the asana for 2 minutes. Then relax and meditate for 5 min.

Style 2) Sit in HALF LOTUS  or SITTING ON KNEES in optimum posture.    

Fold the hands in prayer overhead with the elbows straight.   

Gaze at  the eyebrow center.  Maintain a gentle rhythmic breath flow.  Sit in the asana for  2 minutes. Then relax and  meditate  for 10 min.


Style 1) Sit in LOTUS  or SITTING ON KNEES in optimum posture.    

Fold the hands in prayer overhead with the elbows bent.   Gaze at  the eyebrow center.  Maintain a gentle rhythmic breath flow. Sit in the asana for  3 minutes. 

Style 2) Sit in LOTUS  or SITTING ON KNEES in optimum posture, hands in KNOWLEDGE LOCK, elbows bent to 90 degrees, palms face forward.  Gaze at  the tip of the nose.  Maintain a gentle rhythmic breath flow.   Sit in the asana for 5 minutes.     


If there is excessive discomfort or pain in the legs, ankles, or knees after sitting for some time in a Guided Meditation Asana, slowly unlock the legs and massage them.  

Initially the legs may fall ‘asleep’ and there may be a sensation of numbness or a feeling of ‘pins and needles’. 

 When the blood circulation returns to normal  there will be no pain.  However, be aware that the knee is a very delicate and often abused joint of the body. 

Be careful not to strain the knee, especially while moving into or out of the Meditation Asanas.  Do not on any account use undue force or strain to sit in a Meditation Asana.  

Stretch the legs fully before returning to a standing position.  In all the Guided Meditation for anxiety and pain removal asanas it is arbitrary which leg is placed uppermost.  

It is a matter of personal preference and depends on which ever is the more comfortable.  Ideally, the leg position should be alternated so that the balance on both sides of the body is maintained.   


A useful suggestion to overcome this difficulty of sitting cross-legged on the mat  is to prop the gluteals on to a cushion, automatically dropping the knees to the mat.  

It is extremely important to keep the upper body in optimum alignment in all sitting asanas so the breath flows freely in guided meditation.

As guided meditation for anxiety and pain is highly productive one should do it regularly.

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